12 Mart 2019 Salı

Education is Organic

“The only thing that is constant is change”, a quote from Heraclitus. We’re in a world that is changing constantly. The time changes, people change and, as a result, our needs change. So, how do we fulfil these needs? What should we do to fulfil these needs?
First, everything starts with the education. Now, in the 21st century, we raise people differently, with different qualities –critical thinking, communication, collaboration and creativity. In this century, education should be student-centered, where teachers guide the students to learn, acquire the information they need. They should help them to think critically, in other words, to analyse and interpret the information, make decisions and solve problems. Also, teachers should help students to communicate with others effectively and, collaborate with other students. In this student-centered system, students should be able to creative as well. While being creative, they also learn to take responsibilities. Of course, to apply this education system, the curriculum and the teachers should also change. When all of these changes have taken place, the needs the needs of the 21st century will be fulfilled.

This is all I am going to say about the topic. Stay changed!

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