14 Nisan 2019 Pazar

I Have Something to Say!

Hello, friends. It’s been a while since I last posted, I found that I really missed it!

My new subject is about searching on the Internet. In high school, I had lots of homework that required research on the Internet, but I was never informed about how or where to do it. It felt like I never needed it, it was something simple for me. However, on the Internet you can find lots of things, relevant and irrelevant to your topic. In my previous Instructional Technology and Material Design course, I found out that it is actually not that simple, and this kind of homework requires some limitations
Let’s talk about my homework for the course. For this homework we used a padlet wall. You can create a pedlet wall for any topic you want, you can share anything you want –links, images, videos, and your own thoughts on any topic- and it is really easy to do. This assignment was one of the easies for me.

For the assignment, we had a group of 8 people, my friends were Şeymanur, Saliha, Cansu, Sare, Gamze, Dilruba and Gizem. Our topic was Endangered Species, and we shared interviews, posters, videos and some facts about endangered species on our wall. I loved our topic since it is a really important issue, and I also loved sharing on padlet. I think it was really simple, and creating such things easily made me feel really good!

Here is our padlet wall!
picture taken from here.

1 yorum:

  1. in primary school, I would copy-paste whatever was on the first page that came up :D it is truly a skill that should be taught especially young learners.
